Restoration Advisory Board

It is DoD’s policy to involve local communities as early as possible in the decision-making process for environmental restoration activities at installations. RABs, which have become a significant component of DoD’s community involvement activities, embody the philosophy that teamwork is the key to success.

RABs serve a two-fold purpose:

  1. RABs provide a forum through which representatives of the community, the installation, and regulatory agencies discuss and exchange information about DoD’s environmental restoration program, and
  2. RABs give stakeholders the opportunity to participate in the cleanup process and make their views known to decision makers.

RAB members perform a variety of functions, and contribute to the cleanup process by:

  • Increasing Community Understanding. RABs help increase community understanding of DoD’s cleanup objectives and the complex regulatory requirements under which DoD must conduct cleanups.
  • Reviewing Plans and Documents. One of the most fundamental roles that RABs play is the review of cleanup plans and documents. These documents are the foundation for decisions regarding cleanup. RAB members often raise questions or issues which reflect the concerns of the community. Resolution of these issues is an important step in the cleanup process.
  • Participating in Site and Project Prioritization. Many RABs participate in relative risk site evaluations, prioritization of sites and sequencing of projects, making recommendations which impact an installation’s work plans. In this manner, sites which are of most concern can be addressed first.
  • Providing Advice. RAB members provide advice to decision-makers on many aspects of the cleanup program, perhaps most significantly in selecting a remedy for sites.
  • Acting as a Resource for the Community. RABs take seriously their responsibility to keep the community informed of cleanup activities.
  • The Camp Croft Restoration Advisory Board meets on a regularly scheduled basis, to which the public is invited. If you are interested in serving on the RAB, please complete the Community Interest Form and submit to Raymond Livermore via email at [email protected].

Current RAB Members

Next RAB Meeting

Meeting Transcripts

RAB By-Laws